Getting Involved
If you are looking for ways to get more involved in the community of NCFC, here are some suggestions:
If you are looking for ways to get more involved in the community of NCFC, here are some suggestions:
- Fellowship Breakfast Potlucks are held on the 4th Sunday of each month. Table service is provided. Bring a dish to share if you can. You are also welcome to join the meal without bringing a dish to share. Following the meal, please wash & dry your own dishes in the kitchen sink. Everyone participating in the meal is encouraged to help clean up and put away chairs and tables.
- Participate in monthly congregational meetings. Congregational meetings are held monthly and are an important part of our community life. Here we take time for discussion and discernment around decisions in the life of the church. Although they are not strictly business meetings, decisions are made and at the same time community is formed through listening to one another and the Spirit. Meeting topics and questions for discerning and learning will be in the bulletin. All people who are a regular participants at NCFC are encouraged to attend these meetings.
- Join a small group. Many people at NCFC are part of a small group, and everyone is encouraged to find a group for support, growth and accountability. Small groups meet at different times and places, and with a variety of foci. If a small group sounds like something you want to consider, talk with the Pastor.
- Volunteer for a task. You can do children’s story, greet visitors, bring flowers, help with Sunday school, make coffee, or do whatever looks like it needs doing. We are always looking for more helping hands. Contact the church office or the Pastor about your desire to participate.
- Become part of a serving unit. We refer to committee structures as Serving Units which do much of the work of church. To participate in a Serving Unit you can check with the Pastor regarding description of the duties and meeting times. Serving units not only get tasks done but are a way to get to know others and build community.
- Attend congregational retreat. The time, place and date of retreat shifts with our congregation, but is usually held in the Fall. We eat, play, visit, and worship together. Listen for announcements about retreat. Retreat often includes a time of sharing reflecting on the past year and challenges of the future. Ask the Pastor about when the next retreat will be held.
If none of these suggestions appeal to you, please remember that the work of the church also happens outside the walls and structures of the church. We are called to share the love of Christ.